
到1947年6月,人民解放军消灭了大量的国民党军队,敌我力量对比发生了明显的变化。在这种形式下,中共中央及时制定了人民解放军发动外线作战,向国民党统治区进攻的战略方针。下列事件中属于揭开了人民解放军战略进攻序幕的是(   ) A.转战陕北          B.千里跃进大别山          C.平型关大捷         D.豫湘桂战役认真阅读,根据文章内容,从A、B、C、D选项中,选择最佳答案。Mrs. Brown lives in a small village. Her husband is dead. She has a son but no daughters. His name is John and he is twenty-five. After John finishes college (大学), he gets work in a big city, New York, and he lives there. It’s quite a long way from his mother’s home, and she is not happy about it. But John says, “There is no good work for me in this small village, Mother, and I can get a lot of money in New York. Then I can give much to you.”One day Mrs. Brown is very angry. She takes a train to her son’s house in New York. Then she says to him. “John, why do you never call me?”“But mother,” John laughs (笑) and says, “You don’t have a telephone with you.”“No,” she says, “I haven’t, but you have one.”1.Where does Mrs. Brown live?A. In a small villageB. In a big cityC. In New YorkD. In a town2.What is Mrs. Brown’s son’s age? A. 20B. 21C. 25D. 133.How does Mrs. Brown go to New York one day?A. On footB. By busC. By bikeD. By train4.Why does John never call his mother?A. John doesn’t want to do thatB. John has no telephoneC. His mother has no telephoneD. His mother doesn’t want to answer5.Which is right?A. The village is near New YorkB. John works in a big city and his mother likes itC. In the village there is no good work for JohnD. John never gives money to his mother. 
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