
阅读下面的文字,完成后面题目。(16分) 公园里的星期天 (美)贝尔·考夫曼 黄昏的太阳暖洋洋的,树林外隐约传来城市的喧闹。她放下手中的书,摘下墨镜,惬意地吁了口气。莫顿正在看《时代》周刊,一只手搭在她肩上;他们三岁的儿子莱利在沙坑里玩。正是星期天下午五点半,藏在公园角落里的小操场清静极了。秋千和跷跷板一动不动,滑梯上也空空荡荡,只有莱利和一个年龄相仿的胖男孩蹲在沙坑里玩。多美好啊,她几乎微笑起来。她想单词拼写【小题1】Kindness is one of his c_________.【小题2】How many countries does the UK c________ of?【小题3】Being e_______ to the sun is harmful to your skin.【小题4】He was a_______ of stealing.【小题5】She said that she a______ her knowledge of English by her careful study.【小题6】He has an __________(乐观的) attitude toward his future.【小题7】Exhausted, I ______(溜进)into bed and fell fast asleep.【小题8】His friends were _________ (热心的) about his theory.【小题9】Jane was writing a letter and __________(同时) Pat was watching TV.【小题10】A giant machine, always ________ (贪婪的) for more, swallows all the waste.
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