
在中央“厉行勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费”的号召下,“节俭”成为2013年全国两会的新亮点:会场不摆鲜花,代表用的铅笔是用旧报纸做的,会议用过的稿纸要回收利用。节俭新风正在改变中国。这一改变体现了 ①认识对实践有指导作用      ②发挥主观能动性要尊重客观规律 ③实践是认识发展的动力      ④价值观对人们的活动有导向作用 A.①②     B.①④      C.②③      D.③④动词填空 (分)小题1:Technology _______(see) some amazing developments in the last few decades.小题2:With the great weight _______(take) off her mind, she passed the text successfully.小题3:I’m sorry, by then my lecture will have ended and I _______(meet) my guests.小题4:If penicillin had not been available, many people _________(die) from sickness or even small wounds.小题5:Sarah, hurry up, I’m afraid you won’t have time to get________(change).小题6:The bell _________ (indicate) the end of the period rang, interrupting our heated discussion小题7: _________ (not complete) the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.小题8:Wherever you go, you can see the product ___________ (advertise).小题9:The project is so designed that once _______ (begin) nothing can be done to change it.小题10:The suggestion that the plan _________(delay) will be discussed tomorrow.
政治 试题推荐