
2009年9月1日晚,中央电视台播出了别开生面的《开学第一课,我爱你中国》,全国有两亿多中小学生共同上了这堂“爱的教育”课。课堂上首先播放了彭.媛的主题宣传片《爱是什么》。该片展示了一幅幅也许我们未曾留意却蕴涵真爱的画面:“爱是什么?可能一千个同学会有一千个答案。汶川地震时,爱是妈妈为保护孩子而被压弯的身躯,是老师让学生先逃而撑起的生命之门…… 上完这堂特殊的课后,不少学生写下了自己的心得。 刘小桦:马鹏飞的 阅读理解   How’s your relationship with your dad? It can be easy to let walls build up between you during the teen years.But by doing a little preventive maintenance(措施), you can help things good and growing between the two of you-even without a wilderness expedition.Here are a few quick tips.   Talk it out.Communication is key to any friendship.Open your mouth and let your dad know what’s on your mind.Give him a chance to get to know you.   Listen up.Your dad’s lived more life than you have.Believe it or not, he’s probably been there and can help you get through the pressures and struggles.Ask how he handled school, girls or temptations.Then pay attention.   Take some time.It can be hard for us guys to talk about what really matters.But spending time together can build the relationship, and create opportunities to talk.Go for a hike or a game.Work on the car.Whatever you’re into, ask your dad to do it together.   Fight fair.Family disagreements are unavoidable.When temperatures rise, keep your mouth respectful and cool off before you let out a large amount of negative words.Talk it out when you can do so calmly.   Realize respect.Face it:Your dad’s been given authority(权威)to help guide you as you know.He’s going to make mistakes, but so are you.Forgive him when he blows it, and honor his decisions-even if you don’t agree. (1) The main purpose of the passage is to advise teenagers on how to ________. [  ] A. respect and obey their fathers B. communicate with their fathers C. ask their fathers for advice D. get along well with their fathers (2) According to the writer, ________. [  ] A. fathers have the right to guide teenagers. B. Respect means never fighting with fathers. C. conflicts can be avoided through efforts D. always keeping your mouth closed really matters. (3) “When temperatures rise” means ________. [  ] A. When it is too hot. B. When teenagers have a fever C. When fathers fall ill. D. When disagreements get fierce. (4) From the passage we can infer that ________. [  ] A. fathers play an important role in teenagers’ growth. B. communication can prevent all the disagreements. C. talking everything out immediately always helps. D. teenagers should never get angry with their fathers.
道德与法治 试题推荐