
Hello, I'm Kate.I like different kinds of food.I like hamburgers, salad and orange juice.For breakfast, I often have some milk and hamburgers.I don't like dessert.My favorite football star, Tony Brown, eats lots of healthy food.He likes eggs and vegetables for breakfast.For lunch, he eats hamburgers, tomatoes, chicken, oranges and apple juice.For dinner, he likes meat and French fries.He doesn't have dessert.“I like football better than dessert, ” he says.1.Kate eats ______ for breakfast.A.milk and hamburgers      B.salad             C.vegetables         在一条件下,反应N2+3H22NH3在10 L密闭容器中进行,测得2 min内,N2的物质的量由20 mol减少到8 mol,则2 min内N2的化学反应速率为 A. 1.2 mol/(L·min) B. 1.0 mol/(L·min) C. 0.6 mol/(L·min) D. 0.4 mol/(L·min)
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