
Have you ever played the video dance game? Now such games are used to help lose weight! Like many other teenage boys, Jones loved sports. But at 5 feet, 175 pounds, he found his weight a trouble. His doctor wanted him to lose 50 pounds so that he may catch up with the football game by the end of summer. Jones chose the popular dance revolution video game at home to increase his activity. He had lost about 10 pounds by changing his diet. Now, after two weeks playing the game, he has lost another 10! The health study is being done by an insurance company, which hopes that game will lea结合中国的实际,邓.小平指出:“建国以来,人家封锁我们,在某种程度上我们还是闭关自守,这给我们带来了一些困难。”“经验证明,关起门来搞建设是不能成功的,中国的发展离不开世界。”为此,中国采取的外交政策是(    )A.闭关锁国      B.对外开放     C.与大国结盟       D.“一边倒”
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