
阅读下面的文字,完成下列小题。 我所认识的许国璋教授 黄源深 许国璋教授尤因教材而名扬天下,但其学术成就远不止于此。 他晚年主攻语言学和语言哲学,发表了一系列文章。其中“语言的定义、功能、起源”“语言符号的任意性问题——语言哲学的探索”“社会语言学和唯理语言学在理论上的分歧”“从《说文解字》的前序看许慎的语言哲学”“《马氏文通》及其语言哲学”和“追寻中国古代的语言哲学”篇篇都是见解独特的文字,成为当代Children model themselves largely on their parents.They do so mainly through identification.Children identify   36   a parent when they believe they have the qualities and feelings that are   37   of that parent.The things parents do and say---and the   38   they do and say to them--therefore strongly influence a child's   39  .However, parents must consistently behave like the type of   40   they want their child to become.        A parent's actions   41   affect the self-image that a child forms   42   identification.Children who see mainly positive qualities in their   43   will likely learn to see themselves in a positive way.Children who observe chiefly   44   qualities in their parents will have difficulty   45   positive qualities in themselves.Children may   46   their self-image, however, as they become increasingly   47    by peers groups standards before they reach 13.        Isolated(孤立的) events,   48   dramatic(突然的) ones, do not necessarily have a permanent   49   on a child's  behavior.Children interact such events according to their established attitudes and previous training.Children who know they are loved can,   50  , accept the divorce of their parents' or a parent's early   51  .But if children feel unloved, they may interpret such events   52   a sign of rejection or punishment.        In the same way, all children are not influenced   53   by toys and games, reading matter, and television programs.  54   in the case of a dramatic change in family relations, the   55   of an activity or experience depends on how the child interprets it. A.to   B.with  C.around      D.for A.informed       B.characteristic    C.conceived D.indicative A.gesture   B.expression      C.way   D.extent A.behavior       B.words       C.mood       D.reactions A.person   B.humans     C.creatures   D.adult A.in turn   B.nevertheless     C.also   D.as a result A.before    B.besides     C.with  D.through A.eyes       B.parents     C.peers D.behaviors A.negative       B.cheerful    C.various     D.complex A.see B.seeing       C.to see       D.to seeing A.modify  B.copy  C.give up     D.continue A.mature   B.influenced C.unique      D.independent A.not B.besides     C.even  D.finally A.idea       B.wonder     C.stamp       D.effect A.luckily   B.for example     C.at most     D.theoretically A.death     B.rewards    C.advice      D.teaching A.as   B.being C.of     D.for A.even      B.at all C.alike  D.as a whole A.Even     B.Since C.Right D.As A.result     B.effect       C.scale  D.cause
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