
One summer night, I was at a bowling alley(保龄球馆)celebrating a friend’s birthday. Two of the friends   41  brought their daughter, Bridget. Like most eight-year-olds, the girl was   42  about the game, so her parents set her up with a light bowling ball.     The first game, Bridget scored a five which is as   43  as it sounds. What was a   44  , however, was her   45  toward it. She didn’t scream or cry. She gave a shrug(耸肩), and that was it.     “Don’t worry, Bridget,” her parents   46  her. “You can play again next time!”   在“探究串联电路的电压”实验中,小华同学设计了如图所示的电路.(1)在连接电路中,开关应该处于____状态;实验中最好选用____(选填”相同”或”不同”)规格的灯泡.(2)根据电路图连接好电路,闭合开关后,电压表指针发生如图乙所示的偏转,原因是___改正错误后,再次闭合开关进行实验,她发现两只灯泡都不亮,且电压表示数为0V,若只有L1或L2中的一处发生故障,则故障是_______.(3)故障排除后,小华根据电路图做了三次实验,并记录了数据.其中第三次实验测总电压时,表盘示数如图丙所示,请将该次数据填入下面表格中.分析下表中的数据,可得出的结论为:________.实验次数L1两端的电压/VL2两端的电压/V串联总电压/V11.41.42.821.21.62.831.11.7
英语 试题推荐