
I feel like I’m always running around. Life, in its gentle way,   61  (try) to slow me down to stop, look at, and listen to the beauty which surrounds us every day. Several days ago, as I rushed down the street, I found myself behind a woman in a wheelchair. Not   62    (intend) to rush past her on a crowded street, I slowed down and stayed behind her. When we stopper at the traffice lights, I noticed   63   on the other side of the crosswalk   64  (be) another woman around the same age-also in a wheelchair. Something simple yet   65  (beauty) happened as they cross在“测定小灯泡额定功率”的实验中,电源电压为6V,小灯泡的额定电压为3.8V. (1)小明同学在连接实验电路时还有导线未接上,如图甲所示,请你用笔画线代替导线把图甲中的电路连接好(导线不得交叉) (2)在连接电路时,开关应该是 . (3)小明同学在检查电路连接时,滑动变阻器的滑片应该移到__________端(选填“A”或“B”).另一同学小红接好电路后,闭合开关,发现电流表和电压表指针的转向情况如图乙所示,则可能的原因是:电流表________,电压表____________. (4)要使小灯泡正常发光,小明应移到滑动变阻器的滑片使电压表的示数为 __________V,若此时电流表的示数如图丙所示,其示数为__________A,那么小灯泡的额定功率是__________W.
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