
关于A国的叙述正确的是        A.①河是A国的“母亲河”——伏尔加河,属外流河        B.②山脉在A国为亚欧两洲分界线——大高加索山脉        C.A国的亚洲部分面积大,人口少        D.平原面积广阔,粮食出口量大 答案:C【小题1】 An old man was sitting on the bench and _______ the birds.【小题2】You’d better tell us the           . Don’t tell a lie.【小题3】 I was so tired that I fell            as soon as I lay down.【小题4】______they live in one house with their parents, everyone should do their part in keeping it clean and tidy .【小题5】Today is my            birthday.
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