
1.HOUSE FORSALE  Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town.Three bedrooms, living-room, kitchens, dining-room, bathroom.Offers over $ 35,000. 2.ASSISTANTWANTED  FOR BUSY RESTAURANT  Some evening and weekend work.All meals flee.Rin93320178. 3.JOIN OURFOOTBALL TEAM Boys and gm8 wanted to play in local football team.Aged 9~13.Meet in Green Park on Friday at 3 p.m. 4.ROOM TORENT  Small room to rent in city centre flat above restaurant.Newly painted with modern furniture,Near main railway station.Buses pass front door.Phone3322108 The enemy soldiers came out one after another, their hands all ______. [  ] A.raised     B.raising C.rose      D.risen
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