
2015年2月,中共中央、国务院《关于加大改革创新力度加快农业现代化建设的若干意见》公布,这是中央“一号文件”连续12年聚焦“三农”问题。据此回答下列问题。 8.面对农业发展和财政运行中的新形势,文件强调优先保证农业农村的投入,让广大农民吃了“定心丸”。文件提出,要继续实施种粮农民直接补贴、良种补贴、农机具购置补贴、农资综合补贴等政策。中央的上述举措有助于(   ) ①缩小收入差距,实现城乡居民同步富裕 ②增加种In North America,people are always in a hurry.Children have special lessons or many sports activities after school.Parents often work late and don’t get home until 7 or 8 o’clock at night.More than 50% of women have full-time jobs.And many people do part-time jobs.When a family want to eat a meal together,often (A)there isn’t enough time to prepare the food.That is why fast food is so popular in North America.(B)People spend about 40% of their money buying fast food.Fast food is the food (C) pizza,sandwiches and fried chicken.People can buy fast food from a restaurant chain like Pizza Hut,McDonald's and KFC.(D)Fast food saves work and time,but it's usually junk food.Fast food is popular in many countries,America fast food companies now have restaurants all over the world.But not everyone is happy about the spread of North American fast food.Some people in Italy want to fight against it.(E)They don't want any more fast food chains to open in their country.They also want to fight against the spread of fast food around the world.1.将文中(A)处划线部分改写为:A family are usually ______ busy ______ prepare the food.2.把(B)处翻译成汉语。___________________________.3.把(D)处翻译成汉语。___________________________.4.在(C)处空白处填入适当的词组___________________________.5.文中划线部分(E)处指代的是____________________________.
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