
In North America, the Colorado(科罗拉多)River is a legend. It has sustained generations of people and many generations of wildlife. Once free, the Colorado now has many dams along its 1,450 miles. Its life-giving water is divided up among seven U.S. states according to several agreements, which has caused the heaviest hit on the eco-balance of the river as no region would lose advantages compared with neighbours in the use of the river, thus inappropriate use was well expected. The Colorado once supported a vast delta(三角洲)where it met the Gulf of California.  Today t绿色植物光合作用的场所是叶绿体叶绿体,原料是二氧化碳二氧化碳和水水,产物是有机物有机物和氧气氧气,条件是光光和叶绿体叶绿体.
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