
William Blake described the eyes as the “windows of the soul.” Our eyes are the windows through which we see the world around us. Either way,there’s no question that we place great value on our eyes and our eyesight. Surveys have shown that of the five senses,sight is the one that people fear losing the most. Thinking about the important function of our eyes,we’d give them the best care possible, but sometimes we get too busy or forget to do a few simple things that can keep our eyes healthy. Protecting your eyes starts with the food on your plate. Remember when you 下列关于细胞膜和细胞壁的叙述,正确的是A.植物细胞壁的主要化学成分是纤维素和蛋白质 B.细胞间的信息交流大多与细胞核的结构和功能有关 C.蛋白质在细胞膜行使功能时起重要作用 D.细胞膜的主要成分是脂质和糖蛋白
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