
21.下面是“遗忘实验”测试数据表。请根据图表内容,总结出知识遗忘的两条规律,并从中得出一条与学习有关的启示。要求语言简明,表述准确。每条规律不超过 15 个字,启示不超过 30 个字。(6 分) 时间间隔记忆保持量 刚刚记忆完毕100% 20分钟之后58.2% 1小时之后44.2% 8—9个小时35.8% 1天后33.7% 2天后27.8% 6天后25.4% 一个月后21.1%3、 Sunnyfield Independence Looking to work for an organization that supports and cares about people? Sunnyfield is a large not-for-profit organization with a person centered approach to providing services to people with disabilities. Sunny- field supports people to enable them to achieve their goals, dreams and to live more independent lives. Sunnyfield has Full Time, Part Time roles available in Accommodation Services ; we offer you flexibility (灵活性) and variety in hours and locations. You must have a driving license. If you would like to be part of a growing organization with the opportunity to develop your skills and career opportunities join us at our free information session to be held at 185 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights on Saturday 6 May at 10 am. To reserve your seat contact Martha Phone: (02) 8977 8820 Email: hr@sunnyfield.com.au www.sunnyfield.com.au 1.From the ad, we can infer that Sunnyfield is probably__________.        A.a hospital serving people with disabilities        B.a hotel offering job opportunities for the disabled        C.an organization offering services to the disabled        D.a factory for the disabled to train their skills 2.Which of the following shows the flexibility and variety of the job offered?        A.You can work either full-time or part-time at different places.        B.You need a driving licence when applying for a job.        C.You should work far away from home.        D.You should have years of work experience. 3.How many ways can one get further information about Sunnyfield?        A.One.          B.Two.              C.Three.              D.Four.
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