
With hospitals and nursing homes tending to thousands of patients every year accidents can and do happen. These incidents whether they are through carelessness or otherwise, can leave patients feeling powerless. That’s not the case.     “There is growing public awareness. People are feeling they have more rights and they have tools in hand to make a complaint,” said Ralph Montano, spokesman for the California Department of Public Health, which regulates hospitals and long-term care facilities in the state.     That department received more than 6000 complaints about hospit下列句子编为四组,排序最合理的一组是①细雨如烟,桥上不时有人打着雨伞走过。②生平到过不少有名的风景区,但在我的脑子里的印象最深的还是我家乡门前的小溪。③对岸的红棉树开花了,燕子在雨中飞来飞去,还有一阵一阵的风,吹来了断续的残笛……④春天,春水涨满,桥的两孔像是一对微笑的眼睛。A.②①④③B.①④②③C.②④①③D.④③①②
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