
 Chinese traffic police have handled more than 17 million cases involving road rage like unreasonable lane changes and dangerous overtaking this year, as ___41___ world’s largest car market struggles to equip its drivers ___42___ better road etiquette(礼节,礼规). As part of its campaign to educate drivers, the Ministry of Public Security ____43____ (describe) road rage as a major traffic safety hazard(安全隐患) on Tuesday, the eve of National Traffic Safety Day. ___44___ the number of cases handled by police has only risen by 2.8 percent year on year, there are more traged位于我国地势的第二、三级阶梯分界线上,呈东北-西南走向,又是华北平原和黄土高原分界线的山脉是……………………………                        (     ) A.大兴安岭  B.太行山  C.昆仑山  D.天山
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