
阅读下面的短文,回答问题,每题答案均不得超过5个词。 Dream house in California is not a house for only one or two children.It is one for many children.It’s a family. Imagine living on a cold street because there is no other place to stay.These children need a home.They need Dream house. Once upon a time a little girl named Collin Rose decided to offer a warm home to these sick and homeless children.When she grew up , she became a nurse and made her dream come true.In November,2003 , Collin Rose set up Dream house.   Collin Rose’s efforts 人们说地球是“水的行星”,运用图中数据可以算出地球上陆地与海洋的面积之比是(  ) A、39:61B、19:81C、29:71D、30:70
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