
One spring morning a rich man went to the bank. Next to the bank was a beautiful park with a small pond in it. _31___ he went home, he walked in the park. He was very troubled to see that the park was very __32__. There was trash everywhere. Suddenly, something caught his eye. He saw a child throw a plastic ___33_ into the pond. He was very sad to see this. The man had an idea. He ___34_ up a dirty, white bag from the ground. Then he put some __35___ in it and wrote a note. He put the bag on the ground _36____ some beautiful red flowers. Then he sat down and __37__.  Many people_下列文学常识、文化常识表述有错误的一项是( )A.“臣本布衣”中的“布衣”指没有官职的人,“往来无白丁”中的“白丁”指没有功名的人。B.“一门三父子,都是大文豪,诗赋传千古,峨眉共比高,”其中“三父子”指的是苏洵、苏轼、苏辙。C.辛弃疾,号稼轩,南宋思想家、文学家,他的《山坡羊·潼关怀古》等诗词是千古流传的名篇。D.乡试是指科举制度中每三年举行一次的全省考试,考中者称为“举人”。
英语 试题推荐