
阅读理解     阅读下面三篇材料,根据内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项。 Do you feel tired sometimes? Nowadays, stress is everywhere in our daily life. Not just men, women and young people also suffer from stress.There are many causes, such as: death, marriage, money, moving house, changing jobs, ending relationships.So how do you know if you suffer from stress? Do the Stress Test and find out!Stress Test Do you …?YesNo1. often sleep badly? 2. get headaches a lot? 3. find it difficult to relax? 4. need alcohol (酒精)阅读《论语》中的一段文字,然后回答问题。  子曰:“予欲无言。”子贡曰:“子如不言,则小子何述焉?”子曰:“天何言哉?四时行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?”1.子贡的话反映了一些学习者的通病,请作简要说明。____________________________________________________2.孔子自谓“述而不作”,可见他并不忽视“述”,但这里却说“欲无言”,你怎么理解?请作简要分析。____________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐