
补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。A: Are you free this weekend?B: 1_______ A: Let’s go to Beijing Zoo! B: 2________A: Because I hear eight pandas have just arrived there.B: Really? 3_______________________________________A: They’re from Sichuan, and they will welcome the friends all over the world during the Beijing Olympic Games.B: That’s great! 4___________________________________A: I also hear the eight pandas like to eat apples. Why not take some apples? B: 5_________________.  Can’t you se大脑皮层参与的反射活动是A.在强光下瞳孔缩小B.吃酸杏分泌唾液C.误食有害物质而呕吐D.司机见红灯立即停车
英语 试题推荐