
珠江三角洲地区大力发展外向型经济,其有利因素      ①全国著名的侨乡      ②地处我国的“南大门”,海陆交通便利      ③毗邻港澳,与东南亚地区隔海相望      ④铁矿、石油资源丰富        A.①②④                 B.②③④                 C.①②③                 D.①③④选择括号中适当的词填入横线上。每小题1分,共10分。(1)They're David and Sam. These are (they, their)desk. (2)Jim is a student. (his, he)bag is green. (3)Put (on, off)your clothes, Jenny.(4)Happy birthday! This present is (for, to)you.(5)I go to school ( by, on)bus. (6)Go (straight, along)this street and turn right.(7)Look ! My sister _________ ( plays, is playing )with the toy cars. (8)I _______ ( get,got )up at 6:30 every morning. (9)Tom’s mother _______ (have,has)a nice jacket. (10)Can you _______ (make,making )a paper plane for me ?
地理 试题推荐