
词汇;根据首字母、中文意思及音标完成句子。 1. This book is ________.(我的) 2. These are my ___________.(朋友) 3.This TV show is very __________.[ˈbɔ:riŋ] 4.He often (经常) ____________(看) football games on TV. 5.Jim has two _____________(词典).They’re in the desk. 6. It’s an __________['ɪntrəstɪŋ] book. I like reading it very much. 7. Gina is not tidy. Her things are e__________. 8. I’m nine years old. What a________ you? 9. Look at the ________[klɒk]. It’s three ten. 10.You can read books in the school l_________.(2012?河池)某小组用如图1所示实验装置测定小灯泡的电功率,电源由两节新干电池组成,小灯泡L上标有“2.5V”字样.(1)实验时,通过测量小灯泡两端的电压和通过小灯泡的电流,再利用P=UIP=UI求此小灯泡的电功率.(2)连接电路时,开关应处于断开断开状态.电路连好后闭合开关,若小灯泡发光很暗,应向右右(填“左”或“右”)移动滑动变阻器的滑片.(3)当观察到电压表的示数为0.50.5V时,灯泡正常发光,此时电流表的示数如图2所示,电流是0.240.24A,小灯泡的功率为0.60.6W.
英语 试题推荐