
It was a rainy evening. A man didn’t take his umbrella, so he wanted to call his wife to tell her he would go home late. Then he called home, however, the maid(女仆) answered the phone instead of his wife.He said, “Can I speak to my wife?”The maid replied, “Sorry,she’s upstairs with her boyfriend.”He was surprised and at once very angry. He shouted, “Hurry up, go to the hall closet and take out my shotgun.”The maid asked in surprise, “What do you need me to do?”The man shouted crazily, “Go upstairs and kill them both.”The maid said, “But I have never killed a man 莱芜位于山东省中部,交通便利,境内煤、铁等矿产丰富.2013 年市委、市政府提出了建设“实力莱芜”、“活力莱芜”、“魅力莱芜”、“生态莱芜”、“幸福莱芜”的发展目标.【实力莱芜】(1)阅读图,简述我市2006年一2010年产业结构的总体变化及特点.【魅力莱芜】(2)今年五一期间,济南、淄博等周边地市来我市旅游的人数再创新高.结合所学知识判断,济南、淄博等地游客来我市景区旅游选择的最合适的交通运输方式,并说明理由.生态莱芜(3)莱芜用占全省1.4%的地域空间,提供了全省25.7%的钢铁产量、3.3%的水泥、3.7%的发电量;单位GDP 能耗是全省平均水平的3.38 倍.为改善我市空气质量,下列措施可取的是 .(多项选择)A.大量减少钢铁、水泥产量,减少发电量   B.提高能源利用率,降低单位GDP能耗C.加大污染执法和治理力度   D.使用绿色能源,提倡绿色出行【幸福莱芜】(4)近年来,我市民生不断改善,社会保障水平不断提高.读“2010 年莱芜市部分社会发展指标统计表”,从中至少提取两点信息加以说明.地区城镇居民人均可支配收入/元农村人均纯收入/元城市人均住房面积/m2农村人均住房面积/m2基本社会保险覆盖率/%莱芜市20988831132.2239.3795.03山东省19946699032.1034.7089.71
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