
根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 It's half past seven in themorning now. Everyone is busy. The phone is ringing and Mary picks up thetelephone. It's from Bob, who is a friend of Mary's brother. Her brother is theonly boy in the family, so everyone loves him so much. They would like to doanything for him. Sorry, but you can't speak with my brother Jim rightnow. He is very busy. He is having breakfast. My grandma is passing the milk tohim. My parents are putting his books and homework into his schoolbag. Mylittle sister Tina is putting on his shoes for him. Oh! Sorry! I can't speak toyou三角形的三条高所在直线的交点有A.1个B.2个C.3个D.以上都不对
英语 试题推荐