
听短文,根据短文内容填空,每空一词。Hello, I'm Jane. When I was five, I was very quiet and very . My hair was very long then. Before, I liked long hair very much, but now I always it short. Now, I live in a big city. The city has many people, cars and tall buildings. In the city, I goes to a very big school. It has than 1000 pupils. My home is far away, so every day I take the bus. On the bus, I see people going to work in office buildings and department stores.I love the city. There are many things to do. But sometimes I miss the quiet life of my.下图为细胞有丝分裂某一时期图像 (1)该细胞是_________(动物或植物)细胞,处于有丝分裂的           期。 (2)该细胞有         个染色体,_____个DNA分子,_______个染色单体。 (3)该生物体细胞中含           条染色体。 (4)①与⑤两条染色体是经过          后产生和                        形成的。 (5)在右图中绘出此种生物细胞有丝分裂过程中的DNA、染色体变化规律曲线
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