
阅读理解Miss Mitra didn't want to be a Sunday school teacher any longer. The students there were all rude and never listened to her. I give up. She shouted at the students. Cool. Rick said. He was the most impolite kid in this school. Two months later, Miss Betty Ray came to the school. She looked young. The students thought that she wouldn't stay very long. Have any of you ever been out of state? She asked in a friendly tone. A few hands went up. Anyone has traveled to California? One hand went up as the disrespectful(无礼的) laugh reduced. Anyone visited outside the country? No hands 在Rt△ACD和Rt△BCE中,若AD=BE,DC=EC,(1)从中得到什么结论:______(至少写两个结论)(2)请你证明其中的一个结论!
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