
从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话。 A. enjoy B. along C. How D. famous E. taking Peter: Kitty, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming this week. What are you going to do with your family?Kitty: We are going to visit Guangzhou at that time.Peter: do you get there?Kitty: We are going to take the high speed train. It takes only about 40 minutes.Peter: That's cool! Guangzhou is for Dim sum(点心) and old buildings. You should take your camera.Kitty: My daddy likes photos. He must be very happy for that.Peter: What else are you going to do there?Kitty: There will be some drag比较大小.703452<<6789400;                230000000<<23亿240÷12>>240÷15;                   250×2==25×20.
英语 试题推荐