
Choose the one that fits best according to theinformation given in the passage you have just read.The first two years ofStuart Singer's retirement were pure play, killing time in the New York City bybike and visiting museums and art galleries.At some point, Irealised I should do more than this,said Mr Singer, a former high school teacher.Now Mr Singer, 74, and hiswife Madine, 69, are involved in the Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme. MrSinger volunteers with the Community Health Advocates Programme, which startedin 2010. The programme helps consumers to know better about the healthinsuran 化学与生活、生产密切相关。下列叙述错误的是A.过氧化钠可用作呼吸面具中的供氧剂B.向海水中加净水剂明矾可使海水淡化C.使用含有氯化钙的融雪剂会加速桥梁的腐蚀D.服用抗氧化剂维生素C有利于人体对铁元素的吸收
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