
Living the light life.Many of us like to eat out and treat ourselves to delicious food. We are used to choosing fat-filled dishes and high-sugar desserts.【1】The recent rise of light meals, however, gives customers a smarter choice. According to Economic Daily, low-calorie (热量) low-fat and high-fiber (纤维) meals have become popular in China's turns and online delivery platforms like Meituan and Eleme.The country saw a rapid expansion (拓展) of restaurants which sell light meals as their specials, from just 600 in 2017 to more than 3, 500 in 2018. 【2】Having a light meal, however下列关于青蛙的生殖和发育的叙述,错误的一项是( )A.青蛙在春季时高声地鸣叫,这是一种繁殖行为B.春季经常可见两只青蛙拥抱在一起(抱对),这是青蛙在争夺食物C.青蛙的受精卵在水中孵化,所以外界环境条件对其孵化率有很大的影响D.青蛙的幼体(蝌蚪)生活在水中,成体主要生活在陆地,所以它属于两栖动物
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