
阅读理解 Alice Hou, started Girls in STEM club (俱乐部) in America, tries to help more girls interested in science, technology, engineering and math. Do you know Girls in STEM? It's a club for girls. They can learn science here. Alice Hou, a 16-year-old girl from the US, set up (创立) the club. Alice loves science, and now she learns computer science at the University of North Texas. She is also good at Chinese dance, and she won the title of Miss Arlington's Outstanding Teen (阿灵顿杰出少年). When I'm dancing on the stage, I just feel relaxed, Alice said. But I feel worried 下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是             (   )A.笔杆   表率    抉择   羁拌B.岔路   临摩    训服   熟练C.誊写   幅射    通辑   泄密D.熨帖   跻身    寒暄   暴躁
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