
2016年9月7日晚,中科院旧金山天文台首次观测到小行星2009ES。这颗小行星被国际天文学界列为对地球具有潜在威胁的近地小行星之一。结合所学知识,完成下列问题。 (1) 该小行星最可能来自() A . 火星和木星之间 B . 地月系 C . 河外星系 D . 土星和木星之间 (2) 经发现2009ES没有生命存在,而地球上具有存在生命现象的自身条件是()①有适合生物生存的温度 ②有适合生物生存的大气③八大行星都沿着各自公转的椭圆轨道和相同的短文改错 A man with two bad burned ears went to see1.________ his doctor. “What has happened on you?” asked the?2.________ doctor. “Well, my wife is ironing(烫衣服) while3.________ I was watching the ball name on TV. She put the4.________ hot iron near the telephone then my phone5.________ rang, but I answered the iron instead the phone.”6.________ The doctor nodded. “But what had happened7.________ to the other ear?” The man said, “Hardly had I8.________ hanged off when the same person called up again.”9.________ The doctor can't help laughing at when he heard this.10.________
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