
阅读理解 When I started teaching at school, I was sure I would change the world and touch children who needed love. Although my students seemed to respond pretty well to my teaching , there was a small group of girls who became more and more hostile towards me. One day a fight happened in my classroom. Trying to end it, I stepped in to face one of these hostile young women, who started hitting me in the face. Two boys jumped up to control the girl, but the damage was done. While the girl was suspended for a few days, I was determined that she would not return to my classroom. But I also pr右图为室温下20 mL一定物质的量浓度的盐酸,用一定物质的量浓度的NaOH溶液滴定的图示,据图推出盐酸和NaOH溶液的物质的量浓度(mol·L-1)分别是    (    )   A B C D c(HCl)(mol·L-1) 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.09 c(NaOH)(mol·L-1) 0.04 0.06 0.09 0.03
英语 试题推荐