
阅读理解Welcome to Skiing LessonsSkiingis a great way for your children to develop their skiing skills, meet newfriends and explore the mountains. Our awesome instructors provide a safe, funand exciting learning environment that help progress your child to the nextstage in their skiing development. DetailsTeachingchildren, in particular, is a challenging, rewarding and satisfying experience:Children are complex in how they develop, both physically and cognitively: Thisrequires a variety of teaching approaches to meet the needs of all students,all while keeping it safe and fun. Our instruct下面的句子中,没有语病的一项是( )A.在《老人与海》里,海明威用老人与海的斗争,来象征人与自己命运的斗争,目的是为了表明人也许无法战胜宿命,却不可屈服于命运这一主题。B.山羊兹拉特的故事让我们懂得,爱应是一种胸怀,宽广有容,并非局限于一时一地一己之身,而是超越了贫富与阶级、国家与民族的界限。C.素芭是一个美丽聪慧、心地善良,有着纯真清澈的心灵,但由于自身的缺陷和世俗的偏见,她只能独享孤独和寂寞。D.如果要避免“清兵卫与葫芦”的悲剧不在自己孩子身上上演,这就需要父母们去倾听孩子内心的声音,尊重孩子的爱好。
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