
Chen Yujie, 15 studies at a boarding school in Ningbo, Zhejiang .it was not a short ride home and the trips were tiring.Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card , so she didn't have to travel so often. “It's usually the most relaxing time for our family.” Said Chen.She chose the right time.After a few turns of lobbying(游说) ,her parents finally agreed with Chen . So they have to choose a right time .US magazine Highnight recently surveyed 1,521 kids aged 6-12 in the country , asking questions like “ ” Results show that American kids seem to know when their parenⅠ.Ⅱ两题只选做一题,如果两题都做,只按Ⅰ题计分)Ⅰ.①保鲜膜  ②铁锅    ③砂糖   ④食盐    ⑤蔬菜    ⑥小麦粉 ⑦食醋    ⑧白酒    ⑨植物油富含油脂的是    ,由金属材料制成的是    ,可除去热水瓶胆壁上水垢的是    Ⅱ.“5.12”汶川大地震给人民生命财产造成了巨大损失.大灾之后防疫工作是抗震救灾中一项非常紧迫的任务.漂白粉是一种常用的消毒剂,其成分有次氯酸钙【Ca(ClO)2】.氯化钙【CaCl2】,氢氧化钙【Ca(OH)2】等.试回答:(1)氢氧化钙的俗名    (2)次氯酸钙中氯元素的化合价为    (3)氯化钙的物质类别为    (填“酸”.“碱”.“盐”).
英语 试题推荐