
阅读理解 There're so many ways that going green canbenefit not only our beautiful earth and our environment, but also your owndaily life and health. Green living, renewable energy source and sustainable (足可支撑的)materials are all the newest and most exciting buzz words of recent years. Foot power. Ride your bicycle,walk or run to your destination rather than driving your vehicle. You'll savemoney on gas and you'll enjoy excellent cardiovascular(心血管的)health as a result of using your own energy to arrive where you want to go. Dosome sightseeing on the way too! Enjoy solar pow 下列关于氢气是最理想的高能燃料的理由中不正确的是(  )   A. 氢气的密度最小 B. 产物无污染 C. 燃烧放热多 D. 原料来源广
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