
任务型阅读 (1) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入的最佳选项,然后回答问题。 A. Are they my aunt's? B. The four keys are your father's.C. It's a key ring (钥匙环) with three keys.D. Can you help me find them?A:Hey, Frank. I need your help. B:What, Mom?A:Your aunt left (丢下) her keys in our house. B:Yes, Mom. Oh, four keys are on the sofa. A:No, they aren't. Your aunt only has three keys. B:I see. Oh, some keys are under the sofa, Mom.A:Let me have a look! Great! They're your aunt's. Thank you for your help, my dear son.设集合A⊆R,如果实数x0满足:对?r>0,总?x∈A,使得0<|x-x0|<r,则称x0为集合A的聚点.给定下列四个集合:①Z;  ②{x∈R|x≠0};   ③{nn+1|n∈Z,n≥0};   ④{1n|n∈Z,n≠0}.上述四个集合中,以0为聚点的集合是(  )A.①③B.②③C.①④D.②④
英语 试题推荐