
如图甲所示,小明在探究“杠杆的平衡条件”实验中所用的实验器材有:杠杆、支架、弹簧测力计、刻度尺、细线和质量相同的钩码若干个。 (1) 实验前,将杠杆中点置于支架上,当杠杆静止时,发现杠杆右端下沉。此时,应把杠杆两端的平衡螺母向(选填“左”或“右”)调节,使杠杆在不挂钩码时在水平位置平衡。 (2) 如甲图,杠杆调节平衡后,小明在杠杆上A点处挂4个钩码,在B点处挂6个钩码杠杆恰好在原位置平衡。于是小明便阅读短文,完成后面的判断题。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。It's spring. It's warm today. Longlong and I go to the park with my dog Qiqi. It's Sunday today. A lot of people are in the park. Longlong and I play football. He has got new blue shoes. They're nice. Qiqi goes swimming in the lake. It's very happy. In the afternoon, we go to my home and we watch TV. It's a nice Sunday!【1】It's summer and it's hot today. (_____)【2】I go to the park with my friend and my dog. (_____)【3】We go swimming in the lake in the park. (_____)【4】Long long has got new blue shoes. (_____)【5】In the afternoon, I play basketball in the park. (_____)
物理 试题推荐