
Choose the best answer to complete the passage. You've just finished with middle school and you may start wondering, “What is high school like? Is high school a lot 1middle school? Is it going to be hard to start out in a new place? Most high schools in America hold a freshman class 2school actually starts. When you talk to people in the freshman class, you 3 that a lot of them are feeling just like you are, excited, maybe 4afraid. Talking about a question of common interest with your classmates could start a new 5. The work in high school builds on what you 6in middle school, and gives you 12、阅读下面这首唐诗,回答问题。 题扬州禅智寺 杜  牧 雨过一蝉噪,飘萧松桂秋。 青苔满阶砌,白鸟故迟留。 暮霭生深树,斜阳下小楼。 谁知竹西路,歌吹是扬州。 ①这首诗用字很讲究,请简要分析“青苔满阶砌”中“满”字的表达效果。 ②尾联“谁知竹西路,歌吹是扬州”运用了什么表现手法?请结合全诗简要分析。 评卷人 得分 三、语言表达 (每空? 分,共? 分)
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