
在下面的空格处填上合适的内容。①1978年起,巴金在香港《大公报》开始连载散文,后编辑成《》一书,这个集子被认为是“一部说真话的大书”。②《左传》是我国第一部叙事详细的(体例)历史著作,相传为春秋末年鲁国史官左丘明依孔子修订的鲁史《》的顺序所作。③鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人。高中文本《记念刘和珍君》选自其杂文集《》。―I’m going to be your adviser this year, Linda. ―  61   ―Where is your new schedule(课程表)?―Here it is.―   62   ―I enjoy all the science courses.―   63   ―The lab work isn’t any problem for me. ―What are you planning to be?―I want to be a chemist. ―   64   ―No, I want to do research. ―Well, it’s a heavy schedule, but I’m going to approve(同意)it.    65   ―Oh, thank you! I’m really going to work hard this year, too.A. Our classes are conducted in lots of different places.B. Are you going to teach?C. What time do you want to come to lessons?D. Your grades were very good last year.E. You’re certainly planning to take a lot of courses!F. And two of them have lab hours. G. Oh, great! I really learned a lot in your class last year.
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