
阅读理解 Winter holiday is coming. It is relaxingand fun for you to enjoy a movie with family or friends. There are many moviesyou can choose from, such as Lion King (狮子王),Lady &Tramp (小姐与流氓) or Spies in Disguise (变身特工) . But I recommend (推荐) Frozen2 (冰雪奇缘2). In the movie, Elsa and Anna come back. Itis for 85 minutes. In Frozen 2, the two sisters want to know why Elsa cancontrol (控制) ice and snow. They also want to know how their parents died. Butthey must go to a very dangerous place far away to get the answers. At last,the sisters start this 5. 这个城市非常漂亮,形态各异的小山环绕周围。
英语 试题推荐