
阅读下列材料后判断:唐的繁荣是在隋的基础上不断继承创新的结果。隋朝开通的大运河,将长江南北的经济更紧密地联结起来,唐朝受惠于这条运河很多。唐承隋科举制并有所变革,使大批出身庶族的才俊之士得以进入仕途,为唐代文化带来新的面貌。唐文化具有兼收并蓄的时代精神。唐朝与突厥、吐蕃等民族频繁交往,各少数民族的文化,经过吸收、改造、创新,成为唐文化中色彩绚烂的成分。通过西域传来的印度、中亚、西亚文明和通过海上丝One day a little girl came into a shop. She five dollars and wanted to some pears. She said to the shopkeeper, “Please give me some pears for five dollars.”When the shopkeeper gave her the pears, the girl them. Then she said, “Last week my mother bought pears here for five dollars, and she got than I got for the same money. Why did you give me so few?”“Don’t ask questions, my girl. I have time for questions.” “Excuse me, sir,” said the little girl, “but…”“That’s all right, my girl,” said the shopkeeper. “Don’t you understand? You get fewer pears, and then you will less fruit.”“All right, ” said the girl and she put dollars on the counter(收银台). She was going to leave the shop when she heard the words, “Come back. You ___ give me five dollars.”“That’s all right!” said the girl, “Don’t you understand? You get dollars, and you will count less _”1.A. has B. is having C. had D. have2.A. buy B. sell C. borrow D. pick3.A. took B. saw C. got D. counted4.A. better B. bigger C. more D. nicer5.A. much B. not a C. no D. a little6.A. bring B. carry C. buy D. sell7.A. four B. five C. six D. no8.A. need B. must C. ought D. may9.A. more B. less C. few D. fewer10.A. pears B. fruit C. dollars D. money 
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