
阅读理解In recent years, therehave been many films about robots trying to take over the world. Studies showthat up to 20 million factory jobs worldwide could be taken by robots in thenext 10 years. Some people are worried about what might happen in the future. On 8 September,2020, The Guardian published (发表) anarticle written by a robot called GPT-3. It wrote that robot comesfrom the Greek word for slave (奴隶) andhumans have nothing to fear from robots, which are only here to help humans.However, the fact that a robot could write such an article has made some peoplefeel even more un国运兴衰,系于教育。(1)1898年,中国近代第一所国家建立的最高学府__________开办;(2)1986年,__________的颁布,推动了我国九年义务教育的普及。
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