
阅读理解根据短文判断正(T)误(F)A boy named Jack lived in a small village. One morning, his mother sent him to his uncle's in town. He had a very good time there. Before Jack left in the evening, his uncle gave him a jar and said, “There is some candy in it, you may put your hand into it and take some when you want to eat something.” Jack looked at the jar when he was in the train. It had a long and small neck. He put his hand into the jar and took five pieces. But he could not get his hand out. He turned his hand this way and that way, still he could not get his hand out. He tur3.有甲、乙两个圆柱形容器,甲容器底面积是乙容器底面积的1.6倍,甲容器内水高15cm,乙容器内壁高23cm.若把甲容器中的水倒入乙容器中.问:水能溢出来吗?
英语 试题推荐