
阅读理解 In 2012 my wife and I decided to openour bookstore in spite of unfavorable situations. The challenges facing smallbookstores were-and remain-significant. Apart from the obvious rise in onlineselling, the increase in the popularity of e-books has negatively affectedindependent providers. The question is why a new, small-scale(小规模的)provide would voluntarily enter such achallenging market? From a personal view, our reasoning was sound: wewanted to share our love of great books and reading for pleasure with as manylike-minded people as possible. Having done our homework, o语文实践平台。云欣在浏览网页时,看到这样一则新闻:北京新开了一家智能餐厅。在这家餐厅,不仅各类菜品由机器人掌勺,点餐、结账也都是机器人做主角。相关负责人介绍,机器人本身可以对个性化需求进行设定,但这家店主打快餐概念,菜品采用标准化生产,因此没有办法满足每个人的个性化需求。1.这家智能餐厅的特点是什么?请你用一句话概括。_______________________________2.就如何提高这家餐厅的服务质量,请提出你的建议。____________________________________
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