
阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Autumnin Tibet is very beautiful because there are many fresh and bright colours everywhere. Innorth Tibet, one can travel several hundred kilometres by car and cannot seeeven a person. No one can be found in the north of Shuanghu-only treelessfields and grasslands. Warm autumn days bring life to all of nature. Wildanimals become active, and Tibetan antelopes like to play near the lakes. Whenthey run, sometimes they can reach 80 km an hour, leaving the hungry wolves farbehind. Autumnin south Tibet is very dif已知: ,为合成某种液晶材料的中间体M,有人提出如下不同的合成途径: (1)常温下,下列物质能与A发生反应的有(填序号). a.苯     b.Br2/CCl4 c.乙酸乙酯 d.KMnO4/H+溶液(2)由A催化加氢生成M的过程中,可能有中间生成物 和(写结构简式)生成.(3)检验D中是否含有C可选用的试剂是(任写一种名称).(4)物质D也可由C10H13Cl与NaOH水溶液共热生成,C10H13Cl的结构简式为 .(5)C的一种同分异构体E具有如下特点: a.分子中含﹣OCH2CH3 b.苯环上只有两种化学环境不同的氢原子写出E在一定条件下发生加聚反应的化学方程式: .
英语 试题推荐