
有些家长为了能让孩子早日成才,不顾孩子的喜好,往往把自己的兴趣强加给孩子,强迫孩子去学这个、学那个,结果事与愿违。下列观点和这些家长的想法相一致的是( ) A . 理在事先 B . 世界是绝对精神的产物 C . 现实世界是理念世界的影子 D . 心外无物 答案:D听下面一段对话,回答1-3题。 1. How is the boy going to Beijing Wildlife Park tomorrow? [     ]A. By bus. B. In a car. C. On foot. 2. Where and when are they going to meet? [     ]A. At the entrance at 9 a.m. B. At the gate at 9 a.m. C. At his flat at 8 a.m. 3. Where and what are they going to eat for lunch? [     ]A. They'll have bread in Beijing Wildlife Park. ?B. They'll eat sandwiches in Beijing Wildlife Park. ?C. Mr. Wu will ask them to his home for lunch.
政治 试题推荐