
根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Mom, I'm hungry.B: A: I' m looking. There's nothing to eat.B: Are you sure, Alex?A: Yes,B: I went to the market yesterday.A: I can't see anything.B: I bought lots of oranges and applesA: I want hamburgers and hot dogs.B: Eat the fruit. It's good for you. You need to change your eating habits.A: But I don't like sports. I don't want to get tired.B: I remember you made a new year's plan about exercising.A: Oh, that's right. I planned to play baseball twice a day. But I can't play it now.B: Practice读“黄河流域”图,回答下列问题。  (1)“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回”中的“天上”是指 (山脉)。(2)黄河流经图中①处的地形区是 ,该地区主要的生态环境问题是什么? 。(3)黄河携带大量泥沙,在下游河道沉积,形成著名的 。(4)黄河曲折东流,在流经图中②省后注入了渤海,写出②省的简称 。 
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