
完形填空 I am Ben. It'sDecember 22nd. It is my fourteenth1. A birthday party is atmy home. Some2my friends come to the party. My3cooks(烹饪)some food for the party. She cooks well. Judy4withmy sister Tina in her room. Jenny5Nancy help clean (打扫) the table. Bob6tennis games on TV.7isTim? He is in his room. I getmany gifts at the party. Jenny gives (给) mea CD. Bob8abirthday card for me. Tim buys a model plane for me. Judy's gift is a book. Myparents give9a computer. I can learn (学习) English on the computer. I am very10. We have chicken, vegetablesand fruit for lunch. After lunch,下列关于文学常识的说法,有错误的一项是(3分) (  )A.《唐雎不辱使命》和《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》都选自西汉刘向整理编辑的国别体史书《战国策》,其中《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》告诉人们劝说君王纳谏,使之广开言路,要讲究策略。B.《春望》《石壕吏》《茅屋为秋风所破歌》都是唐代大诗人杜甫的作品。杜甫诗作风格多变,沉郁顿挫,反映唐王朝由盛而衰的变化过程,被称为“诗史”。C.我国现代著名作家沈从文的《云南的歌会》和汪曾祺的《端午的鸭蛋》,都蕴含着浓郁民间文化气息,抒发了作者内心深处对民间文化的由衷赞叹。D.斯科特、克拉丽丝、奥楚蔑洛夫这三个人物别出自奥地利茨威格的《伟大的悲剧》、英国莫泊桑的《我的叔叔于勒》、俄国契诃夫的《变色龙》。
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