
阅读理解 As I enter my 40s, I've noticed many of my parents'generation think social networking is something they are simply unable tounderstand. They fear that, should they try, they will somehow get it wrong;they will say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing or behave in a way thatcauses embarrassment. But there are some secrets of social media for them toconsider. Here's the first secret: everyone feels this way. I recentlymet a young actor who was complaining that her work demands that she joinMicroblog, but she always feels like she doesn't have anything smart to say. It'sthe same resis传说中关于炎帝对中华民族的贡献有①教民开垦耕种 ②制作陶器 ③教民通商 ④发明纺织A.①③④B.①②④C.①②③D.①②③④
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